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Yes, head to the Payroll --> Attendance and click on the Download as Excel button. You will get the complete list of employees in an Excel sheet.

Yes, head to Payroll --> Settings --> Time Slots and click on New Time. Select the employees and set the time-in and time-out and click save.

Head to Payroll --> Basic Salary and click New Salary. There you will get an option as Skip Annuity. You can click on that and fill in the other necessary fields and click save.

Head to Payroll --> Attendance --> New Attendance. Select the attendance date and employee and head to the customized Time tab. Enable the half-day option and proceed by filling the other required details.

No, If a monthly salary is already created then you would not be able to mark or change attendance for that particular employee.

Yes, head to Payroll --> Settings --> Employee and you will get an entire list of users and employees. From the Right-Click action select the Edit option and do the required modification and click save.

Yes, head to Payroll --> Settings --> Employee and you will get an entire list of users and employees. From the Right-Click action select the Edit option and do the required modification and click save.

Head to Payroll --> Monthly Salary and Right-Click the salary entry for which you need to upload the file and select the Upload option. Enter the title and choose the file that you need to upload and proceed by clicking on the save button.

Head to Finance --> Vouchers --> Payment Voucher and delete the salary voucher by selecting the delete option from right-click action. Then you have to go Payroll --> Monthly Salary and delete that salary entry from the approved tab.

Yes, head to Payroll --> Employee Statement, select the employee and period or date filter and click the search button. You can switch to statement, loan, and ledger transactions by choosing the required option from the filter.

Head to Finance --> Reports --> Employee Ledger, you will get a list of employees along with their payable salary, loan advance, and closing balance. You can customize the report by choosing the required options from the filter.