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Airway Bills

On clicking the Agent tab of New Airway Bill/Edit action you can create a new agent by clicking on the new agent checkbox. You can fill in the details of the agent.

Yes, you can only take a maximum of 3 original prints.

Seaway Bill

There is no option to edit shipper details or any other disabled fields in the seaway bill. If required you can edit the job so that it will get reflected in the seaway bill.

You can edit the Goods Description in the seaway bill if the document is a type of House Bill Of Lading.


You cannot change it while creating. But you can edit it after creating the waybill.

Yes. Without Job creating a waybill is possible. You can fill up the details for the waybill and create it.

Head to Status->Bill of lading->Terms and Conditions, editing of terms and conditions for export and import can be done here.