× General Pricing Subscription Customer Supplier Sales Job Invoice Transportation Status Bill of Lading Payroll Finance Container Deposit Stock Masters Settings

Payment Voucher -> select type as Input tax/ output tax .

Yes. All the Invoices Present or Selected Invoices can be approved at a single go

Follow the step to close a period in Bridge LCS
Finance → Closing → Period Closing

Finance ->Accounts->Hide accounts.But it is not deleted only disable in all dropdown

Head to General supplier invoice ->right click->Recurring option

Follow the step to book income in bulk.
Finance → Bulk Income

You can track your financial status by using Balance analysis, Ledger, finance report.

Based upon the User access Set, the employees/users can access the system (Settings → User Rights).

Yes, you can capture the expenses.

You can Capture the bill through Vouchers but not the list of items purchased.

Yes, the currency can be Fixed according to the customer.