Pro Ways Logistics Software Can Save You Money

The world of logistics is ever-evolving and constantly demanding, requiring efficient supply chain management to keep up with the pace. This is where...
Bridge LCS
2 min read

Release Notes – Version 7

Bridge LCS Version 7 introduces significant updates and enhancements aimed at improving the logistics management experience for users. From theme enhancements to streamlined...
Bridge LCS
2 min read

The Ultimate Guide To Bridge LCS Logistics Software Pricing Plan

The new Bridge LCS' logistics software pricing plan includes Lite, Growth, and Enterprise. Check the pricing model.
Editorial Team
3 min read

Bridge GAPP: Experience Effortless Management, Enhanced Security, and Real-time Alerts

Bridge GAPP serves as the mobile application designed for Bridge LCS. Staying ahead of the competition in the realm of supply chain and...
Bridge LCS
2 min read

All Stories

Bridge LCS freight forwarding software new version 4.8

Freight Forwarding Software V4.8(Latest Version)

Bridge LCS freight forwarding software latest version enables logistics and freight companies to manage and control their operations.
Editorial Team
1 min read
Bridge LCS freight software new version4.7

Freight Management Software New Version 4.7

Bridge LCS' freight software new version 4.7. Some of the main updates are Job Cards, customers or suppliers, freight mobile app...
Editorial Team
2 min read
Bridge LCS freight software new version4.6

Freight Software Update V4.6

Bridge LCS' freight software new version 4.6 was released. The major updates of this version are container shipment, balance report, etc
Editorial Team
2 min read
bridge lcs freight software new updates

Bridge LCS Freight Software V4.5: Reconciliation, Owners Rights, Attendance

Bridge LCS's freight software new version is now available. New features such as finance reconciliation, owner's rights, attendance etc.
Editorial Team
2 min read
logistics software update version 4.4

Logistics Software Update V4.4(Latest Version)

Bridge LCS logistics software new update version 4.4 will enhance the growth of logistics and freight companies in this crisis.
Editorial Team
2 min read
Dark mode theme in Bridge LCS Logistics Software

Logistics Software V4.3: Dark Mode & Lighthouse Search

The new software update of our logistics software introduces dark mode,lighthouse search two important new features for user experience.
Editorial Team
48 sec read
Bridge LCS cargo software new version

Logistics Software New Version 4.2

We have made the latest update for our Bridge LCS logistics software version 4.2. New version update include invoice, reports, and...
Editorial Team
2 min read
creating notes in Bridge LCS logistics software

How To Create Logistics Notes In Bridge LCS (Fast)

The Memo module is a built-in feature in Bridge LCS logistics software, that help to create notes separately and easy to...
Editorial Team
51 sec read
How To Protect Yourself From Covid-19?

How To Protect Yourself From Covid-19?

Covid-19 pandemic has created a huge impact on all of our lives. We people have to take certain precautionary steps to...
Editorial Team
27 sec read
Book bulk income in ERP logistics software

How To Book Bulk Income In Logistics Software?

Explain how to book bulk income in logistics software. Bulk income is designed to record the profit of multiple job from...
Editorial Team
50 sec read