Dashboard Customers Supplier Sales Stages Operation Report Transportation Status Payroll Finance Inter Company Container Deposit Stock Masters Settings Helpers
Bridge LCS Freight Forwarding Software Logo


Stock module deals with the list of items and their respective availability.

Stock Module has multiple sub-segments as follows,


Items section has a list of items that the warehouse holds.

Stock Items in Bridge LCS Freight Broker Software
How to create New Item
Step 1
Go to Stock --> Items --> New Item
Step 2
Enter the mandatory items such as Name(*) , Measurement, Price and Tax.
Note: Measurements can be created from Masters → Unit Code.
Step 3
Multiple Items can be created at a single go using "+".
How To Create New Stock Item in Bridge LCS
Actions Performed
  • View
  • Edit
Advanced Features

Double Clicking on the row gives the view of attributes entered.

Sorting can be made alphabetically with the help of features available next to each column name.

Advanced Features in Stock Item


The Purchase Section has a list of items purchased from the Supplier along with the amount involved with each entry.

Flow Chart
Flow Chart Purchase

Row No is specified with the "P" symbol in the Purchase.

Row No is specified with the " R " symbol in the Return Stock.

Row No is specified with the "O" symbol in the Open Stock.

Purchase Invoice List in Bridge LCS ERP Software For Logistics Industry
How to make Purchase Entry
Step 1
Go to Stock --> Purchase --> New Purchase
Step 2
It has 3 sub divisions
  • Purchase - Preferred when new category of item is purchased
  • Open Stock - Preferred when an existing category of item is to be captured.
  • Return Stock - Preferred when item is being returned.
How To Make Purchase Entry in Bridge LCS Freight Forwarding ERP Software
Step 3
Case 1 : Supplier
Select the mandatory fields like Supplier Name, Invoice No, Invoice Date .

Capture the Item along with the Quantity and Price.

Case 2 : Open Stock
Enter the currency exchange rate and gross amount.

Enter the list of items which needs to be captured along with its quantity

Case 3 : Return Stock
Enter the currency exchange rate and gross amount.

Enter the list of items which needs to be returned along with its quantity

Step 4
Multiple Items can be added at a single go using “ + “ which is available at the right corner.
Step 5
Click Save to Proceed.
Add details to create Purchase Entry in Bridge LCS Ocean Freight Software
Actions Performed
  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • Print - Applicable only over the approved data
  • Upload
  • View
  • Edit
  • Delete
Advanced Features

Sorting can be made alphabetically with the help of features available next to each column name.

Unapproved Data is Indicated in Red Row No.

Approved Data is Indicated in Green Row No.

Bridge LCS Advanced Features in Purchase Invoice

Double Clicking on the row gives the view of attributes entered.

Add attributes in purchase invoice

Double Clicking on the row number gives you the facility to create Memo.

Purchase Invoice Memo in Bridge LCS Sea Freight Software

Material Request

Material Request includes the list requested by the customer.

Flow Chart
Material Request Flow Chart

Row No in Red Color Indicates that the request is not yet Approved.

Row No in Green Color Indicates that the request is Approved but yet to convert into Cost Sheet .

Row No in Blue Colorr Indicates that the request is Approved but yet to convert into Cost Sheet

Material Request list in Bridge LCS Logistics Software
How to Generate Material request
Step 1
Go to Stock --> Material Request.
Step 2
New Material --> Job (*) . Choosing Job automatically fetches the Customer and Location.
Step 3
Select the Item and quantity along with price which is already purchased and to complete the request .
Step 4
Click Save to proceed
How To Generate Material Request In Cloud Based Freight Forwarding Software
Actions Performed
  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • Print - Applicable only over the approved data
  • Convert to Cost Sheet - Applicable only on Approved Request
  • Converted - Redirects to the Converted Cost Sheet
  • View
  • Edit
  • Delete
Advanced Features

Sorting can be made alphabetically with the help of features available next to each column name.

Double Clicking on the row gives the view of attributes entered.

Material Request Advanced Features in Freight Forwarding Software Solutions

Double Clicking on the row number gives you the facility to create Memo.

Create Memo in Material Request

Stock Reports

Reports are classified into three ways

  • General
  • Stock In
  • Stock Out

General report shows the number of items which includes both Stock In and Stock Out based on the following filters selected,

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Items (One / All)

Also, It gives you the number of remaining items which can be used to restock the same based on your requirements.

General Stock Reports in Cargo Airline Software
Stock In

Stock In shows the list of Invoices involved in the Purchase,Open stock and Return stock.

This works based on the following filters applied,

  • From Date(*)
  • To Date(*)
  • Status (Approved / Not Approved)
  • Supplier
  • Stock Type (Purchase / Open Stock / Return Stock )

Invoices are identified with the Logo or Symbol Attached respective to the Type of Stock i.e. Symbol "P"is associated with the row no of Purchase Invoices , "O" with Open Stock and "R" with return Stock .

Invoices can be Printed individually from the purchase modules whereas the Print Feature Here helps you to Print the Page as a whole .

Stock in Report in Online Logistics Software
Advanced Features

Double Clicking on the row gives you the detailed view of attributes .

Advanced Features in Stock

Sort the columns alphabetically with the help filter button (indicated with up and down arrow) available next to each column.

Stock Out

Stock Out provides the list of Material Requests made.

This works based on the filters applied as follows,

  • Start and End Date of Material Request
  • Status of the Material Request (Approved / Unapproved)
  • Customers and their respective jobs.
Stock Out Report in Bridge LCS Transport Logistics Software

Stock Summary

Stock Summary shows the Count of Stock In and Stock Out respective to the items selected.

This provides result based on the following filters,

  • From Date(*)
  • To Date (*)
  • Items(*)

Based on the filters applied, the Total Stock In, Total Stock Out and Total Balance is provided.

Stock Summary in Bridge LCS ERP For Logistics Company
Advanced Features

Items can be sorted alphabetically based on the filter available next to Item.

Double Clicking on the column provides you the detailed history of the Item Chosen.

Stock Summary Advanced Features in Clearing And Forwarding Software