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Status further has two Subdivisions.

Job Status

Individual Job Status can be updated in operations module by following the steps given below

Step 1
Operations --> Jobs --> Pending Jobs / Completed Jobs
Step 2
Right Click over the job --> Status --> proceed
Job Status In Bridge LCS

The steps mentioned above do not work if you want to update the status in bulk. In order to update status in bulk, use the method explained in this module. In this module list out the pending jobs whose status not been updated today.

Update status in bulk

Job Status breakdown into 3 different groups

  • Pending
  • Updated
  • Muted
Pending Jobs Status

This furnishes the list of jobs whose status has not been updated.

Double clicking on the job gives you the view of the job details.

Status can be updated in bulk by following the steps mentioned below,

Step 1
Status --> Job Status --> Master Status
Pending Jobs Status in Bridge LCS
Step 2
Service Type --> Select the type of service you wish to proceed with
Select the type of service in Bridge LCS
Step 3
Job --> Select the list of jobs whose status should be updated
Select the list of jobs to update
Step 4
Status Category --> depending upon the type of service selected you will get the list of options to be updated.
Step 5
Default Content --> Choose Appropriate content to be sent to customers / Create your own by selecting the custom option.
Step 6
Save to proceed or clear to refill the data.
Actions Performed
Right Click on the job --> Save / Send Current Status to the customers.
Actions Performed in status update
Jobs Status can be muted if required .
  • Case 1 : Short Period : From Date and End Date to be mentioned as Mute Period along with reason to be muted.
  • Case 2 : Until Mute : Reason to mute must be given which can be unmuted later.
Mute Job status in Bridge LCS

This section has a list of jobs whose status has been modified or updated to the customers.

Double clicking on the job gives you the view of the job details

Updated Status return backs Pending Status in 24 hours.

Updated Status List
Flow Chart
Status Flow Chart in Bridge LCS
Actions Performed

Status - Right Click on the column → Save / Send Current Status to the customers.

Mute - Jobs Status can be muted if required .

  • Case 1 : Short Period : From Date and End Date to be mentioned as Mute Period along with reason to be muted.
  • Case 2 : Until Mute : Reason to mute must be given which can be unmuted later.
Email Status

If you want to send email in bulk , you can use the option available in the right corner.

Step 1 : select the list of jobs with saved status.

Step 2 : Click on Email Status to send email in bulk.

Send email in bulk in Bridge LCS freight shipping software
Muted Job Status
  • This lists the job that is being muted for a certain period.
  • Double clicking on the job gives you the view of the job details
  • Muted Job can be unmuted by the following,
    • Job Status --> Muted Jobs.
    • Right Click --> Unmute
Muted Job Status in Bridge LCS Transport Logistics Software

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Job Status " to have a better understanding

Bill of Lading

  • Airway Bill
  • Seaway Bill
  • Way Bill
Airway Bill
How to create Airway Bill in Bridge LCS Freight Management System Software

To Create Airway Bill do the following,

Step 1
Status --> Bill of Lading --> Airway Bill
Step 2
New Airway Bill --> four sections need to be filled.
Step 3
General(*) : General Sections needs to be filled with Job, Airlines, Consignee details and AWB No.
Step 4
Agent Info : Agent created earlier can be chosen from the dropdown available or new agent can be created.
Step 5
Booking (*) : Routing details must be fed .
Step 6
Handling Info and Summary must be filled with the details required to proceed.
Step 7
Click on Save to proceed.
Airway Bill form for new account
Flow Chart
Flow chart for Bill of lading
Actions Performed (on Approved Documents)
  • Disapprove
  • Original-Only possible to take maximum 3 original prints.
  • Duplicate / Copy
  • Draft
  • View
Actions Performed On Approved Documents
Actions Performed: (on Unapproved Documents)
  • Approve
  • Original -Only possible to take maximum 3 original prints.
  • Duplicate / Copy
  • Draft
  • View
  • Delete
  • Edit
Actions Performed On UnApproved Documents
Advanced Features

Double Clicking on the Column provides you the view of Bill Details.

Advanced Features in Bill Details

Approved Bill is indicated by a Green Row No

Approved Bill is indicated by a Green

The Unapproved Bill is indicated by a Red Row No .

Unapproved Bill is indicated by a Red

Data can be sorted alphabetically. Sort Option is indicated by a double sided arrow one

facing upwards and other facing inwards.

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Airway Bill " to have a better understanding

Seaway Bill
Seaway Bill List in Bridge LCS ship management software
Step 1
Go to Seaway Bill → New Seaway Bill Bill has three sections to be filled
Create new Seaway Bill in Bridge LCS Shipping Logistics Software
Step 2
First Section is General(*) which is need to be filled with Job and Routing details
Step 3
Goods Description is the second section which needs to be verified as it fetches the data from the job module.
Step 4
Final Section is Charges which needs to be filled with the required details to complete the bill.
Seaway Bill form for Bridge LCS software
Actions Performed(on Approved Documents)
  • DisApprove
  • Original
  • Duplicate / Copy
  • Draft
  • View
Actions Performed in Seaway Bill approved Documents
Actions Performed : (on Un Approved Documents )
  • Approve
  • Original
  • Duplicate / Copy
  • Draft
  • View
  • Delete
  • Edit
Actions Performed in Seaway Bill unapproved Documents
Advanced Options

Double Clicking on the Column provides you the view of Bill Details.

Advanced Options in Bill detail

Approved Bill is indicated by a Green Row No

Seaway bill Approved is indicated by a Green

The Unapproved Bill is indicated by a Red Row No .

Seaway bill Unapproved is indicated by a Green

Data can be sorted alphabetically. Sort Option is indicated by a double sided arrow one

facing upwards and other facing inwards.

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Seaway Bill " to have a better understanding

WayBill list in Bridge LCS Ocean Freight Software

Waybill provides you the end to end shipment details along with consignee details.

This has four different sections which includes import, export, complete, Incomplete. WayBill Can be created by the following steps,

Step 1
Waybill --> New Waybill
Create Waybill in Bridge LCS Freight Broker Software
Step 2
Section 1 - General Section needs to be filled with details of job, consignee, routing and package/container details.
Form for New Waybill in Bridge LCS Software
Step 3
Section 2 - Terms and Conditions can be modified if required.
Terms and Conditions can be modified in Waybill
Import section includes a list of bills of jobs that are being imported .
The Export Section has a list of bills of jobs that are being exported.
Actions Performed : (applicable on both Import and Export Sections )
  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • Print
  • Complete Job - This needs to be marked once the goods reach the port.
  • View
  • Edit
  • Delete
Actions Performed Applicable On Both Import And Export Sections
It furnishes a list of jobs which has not reached the consignee yet.
It furnishes a list of jobs which has reached the destination.

Jobs need to be marked as “Completed” to move the same from Incomplete to Complete Section .

Actions Performed
  • Approve
  • Disapprove
  • Print
  • Complete Job - This needs to be marked once the goods reach the port.
  • Incomplete Job
  • View
  • Edit
  • Delete
Working of Way Bill Module

This work under four cases

Let's assume Import, Export as Segment 1 and Incomplete, Complete as Segment 2.

Case 1
If the user marks Import from Segment 1 and Incomplete from Segment 2, then they can view the list of incomplete imported jobs.
Case 2
If the user marks ImporIt from Segment 1 and complete from Segment 2, then they can view the list of completed imported jobs.
Case 3
If the user marks Export from Segment 1 and Incomplete from Segment 2, then they can view the list of incomplete exported jobs.
Case 4
If the user marks Export from Segment 1 and complete from Segment 2, then they can view the list of completed imported jobs.
Advanced Features : (Applicable to all Sections)

Double Clicking on the column gives the view of data entered.

Advanced Features Applicable To All Sections

WayBill No in Green Color indicates that the bill is approved.

Approved WayBill No indicates Green Color in Bridge LCS

WayBill No in Red Color indicates that the bill is not approved.

Disapproved WayBill No indicates Red Color in Bridge LCS software

Column wise Sorting is possible that works in an alphabetical manner.

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Way Bill " to have a better understanding

Terms and Condition

Terms and Condition is the final Section of Status Module where you can create your own terms which is followed by your organisation .

Steps to be followed,

Step 1
Select the type of Transport (*)
Step 2
You will get a default content which can be modified as per your convenience.
Terms And Condition in Waybill