Sales is one of the important modules of BridgeLCS since it deals with the job from its initial Stage.
Below are the modules that Sales carries,
Enquiry is made by the customer and recorded by the service provider to know about the services that are likely to be chosen by the customer.
The Video inserted below explains you the working of " What is Sales Enquiry " to have a better understanding
This is categorised into four groups ,
- Pending
- Quoted
- Confirmed
- Cancelled

Pending Enquiry
Pending is the state of Enquiry when it is initially created. It needs to be Converted to a Quotation on getting a confirmation request from the customer.
Actions such as edit/delete/ view can be done on the pending enquiry by right clicking the column.
How to Convert Pending Enquiry into Next Level :
- Right click on the enquiry of the customer that needs to be converted and proceed further.
- You will be getting a pop up window wherein you need to enter the required shipment details ,document and save to proceed further.
- Once the enquiry is converted, you will land up on the Pending Quotation Page.

Quoted section includes the converted enquiries.
This section displays the list of converted enquiries and no actions can be performed here.
- Confirmed
- Confirmed section furnishes the completed Quotation .
- Cancelled
- The Cancelled section delivers the list of enquiries that are cancelled.
Advanced Features
Details can be viewed by double clicking on the row.

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " How group it " to have a better understanding
New Quotation can be created with the help of the button available on the right corner.

Below are the steps to be followed
- Step 1
- Go to Quotation --> New Quotation.
- Step 2
- Fill the required details to make a quotation. This includes 3 different sections such as General, Service details, Terms and Conditions.
- Step 3
- General Section(*) needs to be filled with basic details like Customer/Prospect, Posting Date, Mode of Transport and Services.
- Step 4
- Route and Shipment details must also be filled to complete the General Section.
- Step 5
- Service section(*) is the second section that needs to be filled mandatorily to complete the creation.
- Step 6
- Terms and Conditions is the third section that can be modified as per your company guidelines.

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " How create quotation " to have a better understanding
Flow Chart
Quotation has six stages,
- Pending
- Expired
- Approved
- Completed
- Cancelled
- All
- Pending Quotation
- Pending Quotation has a list of valid Quotations that are yet to be verified and will be shifted to expired quotation when it’s validity expires.
- Expired Quotation
- Expired Quotation has a list of Quotations whose validity has been expired.
- Actions Performed
- The below mentioned actions are applicable to both Pending and Expired Quotation.
List of actions that can be formed on the quotation are,
- Approve
- Upload
- Replicate
- View
- Edit
- Delete

Right Click on the column to get these options
Approved Quotation
- Pending Quotation needs to be approved to convert into Approved Quotation.
- This can also be disapproved if in case you need to cancel or hold the quotation.
Actions Performed
- Disapprove
- Disapproving an approved quotation transfers the same to two different modules.
- Case 1 : If Approved quotation is expired and disapproved , then the quotation will move to the Expired module .
- Case 2 : If Approved quotation has validity and disapproved due to some reasons, it returns to the Pending module.
- This is one of the useful features. You can send quotation to your customer from this option in ONE CLICK
- Followup
- You can set up a followup reminder and can maintain multiple follow ups for a single customer / quotation .
- Complete
- You can use this once the deal is fixed.
- Revise
- Quotation revision is possible through this option. Here the current quotation will be cancelled and will create a new one with the copy of the same data .
- Download
- Quotation can be downloaded in PDF format.
- User can take a printout of the quotation
- Upload
- Important document related to the respective customer / quotation can be uploaded here
- Replicate
- Quotation can be duplicated / replicates can be made . The replicated copy will move
to Pending State.
Along with this View and Edit is also available to do the necessary actions.
- Completed Quotation
- This furnishes the list of completed Quotations. After getting customer’s approval

Approved Quotation can be converted into JOB.
Right Click on the column --> Press Complete and proceed.
Actions Performed
- Upload
- Replicate
- View
- Delete

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Approved Quotation " to have a better understanding
- Cancelled Quotation
- While revising a quotation with changes expected, required quotation will come under the cancelled section.
Actions Performed
- Replicate
- View
- Delete

- All
- It comprises quotations from every stage. The Status of the quotation can be identified below the row no.
The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Categories of Quotation " to have a better understanding
- Actions Performed
- Actions can be performed based on the type of quotation.
Advance Features
The type of Services selected can easily be identified by the logo / image available on the service column .

Double Clicking on the row number will provide you a pop up wherein you can make memo and create reminders.

Double Clicking over the column will provide you a popup wherein you can view the complete details of the quotation.

Validity Date will be given along with each customer to make us aware about the expiry.

Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions can be given according to your organisation's Guideline.
- Step 1 : Select the Mode of Transport
- Step 2 : Fill the Terms and Conditions in respect to the Mode of Transport Selected.

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " How create Terms and Conditions " to have a better understanding
This section furnishes the list of prospects available.
Prospects are automatically converted into customers when the Quotation reaches the Completed Quotation Stage.

Prospects can be created by the following methods
Method One - Directly through Prospect
- Step 1 : Sales --> Prospect
- Step 2: Prospect --> New Prospect
- Step 3: A popup window will appear where you need to fill General, Communication , Address and Sales Details.

Method Two - Through Enquiry
- Step 1 : Sales --> Enquiry
- Step 2 : Enquiry --> New Enquiry
- Step 3 : Select Prospect --> New Prospect. A popup window will appear where you can fill the required details to create a prospect .

Method Three - Through Quotation
- Step 1 : Sales --> Quotation
- Step 2 : Quotation --> New Quotation
- Step 3 : Select Prospect --> New Prospect. A popup window will appear where you can fill the required details to create a prospect .

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " How create prospect " to have a better understanding
Actions Performed
Followup - A Follow Up Reminder can be set using this feature. Multiple Follow Ups can be set and the list can be maintained precisely
- View
- Edit
- Delete

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Prospect " to have a better understanding
Overview has two Sections which can be switched. They are
- Overview
- By Quotation

This furnishes the overall view of enquiry generated and steps taken based on the period selected(Quarter).

You can analyse the data Enquiry generated vs Quotations prepared vs Completed and Cancelled Quotation .

This splits into five different sections. They are,
The First Section has the First Graph which explains the number of Jobs generated in respect to the period given.

The Second section has a Bar Graph explaining the amount at each state of quotation i.e. amount holded by pending quotation, completed quotation and approved quotation in monthly wise.
They are indicated by three different bars with non-identical Colors.

The Third Section furnishes the “Quotation by Location”. This shows the number of customers and number of quotations respective to the country selected.
This also has a zoom in and zoom out feature which is available at the left corner and it is indicated by “ + / - “ .

The Fourth Section has a pie chart which explains the services done and its comparison .

The Final Sections deals with top category ,
You can filter data based on the following
- Top Customer Wise
- Top Salesman Wise.
- Salesman Enquiry wise.

Sales Report
Sales Report furnishes the report of the sales that happened based on various filters.

Filters Available
- Date Filter
- Filter based on Salesman
- Filter based on Customers

- Approved
- Unapproved
- Credit Note

- Settled - Indicates Invoices that are yet to be paid.
- Not Settled - Indicates Invoices that are already paid.

Job No
- Job
- Invoice
- Customer

Once the Filter is made you will be provided with a list of customers with their respective job, invoice number and invoice amount.