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Financial List and Attendance of Employees can be certainly maintained by the Payroll System .

Employees need to be created to work on this module.

Go to Settings --> users --> employee

Sections included in Payroll Module are as follows,

Flow Chart
Payroll Flow Chart


Number of working days can easily be tracked / maintained by the attendance module in a precise way.

Details can be filtered based on the search option available on the top most section. This section can also be made hidden by clicking on the filter and vice versa.

Each and every employee has a different section where their attendance is captured and shown. It includes the following,

  • Name of the employee along with their designation
  • No of days Absent indicated in red.
  • No of days Present indicated in blue.
  • No of days On Duty indicated in Orange.
  • Holidays indicated in Green.
Attendance Module in Bridge LCS Freight And Logistics Software
How to Create New Attendance
Step 1
Go to Payroll --> New Attendance .
How To Create New Attendance in Bridge LCS Software
Step 2
Select the date
Payroll Attendance Date
Step 3
Select the employee name(single or multiple) and status
Select the employee name in attendance
Step 4
If the employee is doing overtime select the option given in radio button
Step 5
Enable if you do not want to see the weekend options in the calendar.
Attendeance weekend option
Step 6
Give Remarks if required.
remark in attendance
Step 7
Set the customized working hours.
Set working hours in attendance
How to Create/Import Biometric Attendance

Since many organisations are capturing the employee attendance through Biometric technology these days, a new feature has been included to the Payroll Section.

How to Capture Biometric Data into the System

Step 1
Go to Payroll → Attendance .
Step 2
Click on the Import Biometric Data ( Download the Excel using “Download as Excel” to get the format).
Step 3
Upload Document : Upload the list of employee attendance in Excel Format.
Step 4
Map Fields : Map the Field names imported from the Excel sheet with the Fields available in the System to avoid uncertainty.
Step 5
Map Employee Names : To avoid mismatch , map the Employee name given in the Sheet with the Employees created in the system.
Step 6
Click on SAVE once all the required data are mapped.

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Biometric Attendance Data " to have a better understanding

Actions Performed

Double Clicking over the section gives you the detailed view of the current month / based on the filter applied.

This can further be filtered based on starting period and end period. Details displayed are,

  • In/ Out Time
  • Total Hours
  • Status (Present / Leave / On Duty)

Modifications on the attendance and working hours can be made with the help of Edit Feature integrated to each row.

Actions Performed in attendance
Note: If monthly salary is already created then you won't be able to edit or delete attendance for the corresponding employee.

Additionally , you can view the details of extra working hours and Total hours of working during the period selected.

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Attendance " to have a better understanding

Basic Salary

The Basic Salary Section provides you the basic salary of every employee along with their department and designation .

Total number of Employees , Total Basic Salary and Total Salary is given in the top section.

Basic Salary in Bridge LCS Software

New Salary can be created using the following steps,

Go to Payroll --> Basic Salary

How to create Basic Salary in Bridge LCS Online Logistics Software

New Salary --> Fill Basic Employee details. Designation and Department are automatically from the employee list.

Final Step is to fill Transportation and Salary Details to complete creation.

Employee details form for new salary
Note : Mandatory details indicated with * must be filled and hovering over "?" gives you the limitation of the respective field.

Double Clicking on the column gives you the detailed view of information given.

Employee details in Bridge LCS
Actions Performed
  • Edit
  • Delete
Actions Performed in employee detail

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Basic Salary " to have a better understanding

Monthly Salary

Monthly salary segment gives you the detailed view of employee salary on a monthly basis which is fetched from the basic salary.

This list of details displayed works on the basis of filter applied.

List of filter options available are,

  • Month
  • Employee

Select the month for which you need to credit the salary along with the respective employees.

Once the filters are applied , Click Run Payroll to Proceed.

Total Approved, Unapproved payments and Paid , Unpaid amount details are listed in the top most section for quick reference.

The List of Details has two different Sections,

  • Approved
  • Unapproved
Monthly Salary details in Bridge LCS Customs Clearance Software

The Unapproved Section has a list of employees whose pay is yet to get approval.

Total Amount based on the filters applied is given at the end of the table.

Unapproved Section

Multiple Unapproved Columns can be chosen at a time to get bulk approval. Approval Button is available at the top Next to Run Payroll.

Unapproved Columns

Right Click and Go to Actions --> Edit to include the additional appraisal details if required.

Employee monthly salary details

If you have already provided a loan to the customer, then Edit --> Advance salary. List of Payment Vouchers Created for the loan will be listed there.

Advance salary for loan system

Make Sure to select the Payment Vouchers to deduct the Loan from Salary.

The data mentioned in the Paid days and Basic Amount are fetched from Attendance and Basic Salary given already.

Note : The data given are based on the month selected.

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Monthly Salary " to have a better understanding

Actions Performed
  • Print
  • Upload-User can be possible to upload multiple files
  • View
  • Edit - This allows you to modify the details as per the requirement.
  • Delete
Actions Performed in monthly salary

The Approved Section has a list of employees who are ready to be paid and Paid.

Employees list who are ready to be paid

Ready to be paid customers will have the status as Unpaid and Paid as Paid Status.

Payment Status

Select the list of employees who are to be paid and Click the payment button available on the top.

Once the Payment Button is Clicked, a popup Window will be opened where you can create the Payment Voucher.

After Creating Payment Voucher, Go to Finance --> Vouchers --> Payment Vouchers

Payment Voucher --> Unapproved --> Approve the voucher (right click → approve ) / Select the voucher and click on Bulk Approve

Actions Performed
  • Print
  • Upload
  • View
  • Edit
  • Delete-
Note: User can not edit or delete paid salaries.
Actions Performed in payroll
Advanced Features: (applicable to both unapproved and approved)

Row Number is indicated with the Attachment button if the particular column has any file attached.

Double Clicking on the column gives you the detailed view of attributes given.

Advanced Features applicable To Both Unapproved And Approved
How To Create Loan / Advance Salary
  • Go to Finance --> Payment Voucher.
  • Select Account Number, Voucher Type and Voucher Text as a mandatory field.
  • Select Type --> Own Account and Account --> Loan to Employees
  • Enter the Loan Amount and Click Save.
How To Create Loan in Bridge LCS ERP Software For Logistics Industry

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Employee Statment " to have a better understanding

Employee Statement

Employee Statement Provides you the list of financial transactions happened. Multiple filters are available to fine tune your data.

Employee Statement in Bridge LCS Freight software

Firstly you need to select the Employee whose data are to be reviewed or analysed.

Secondly you need to choose the employee, periods, start date and end date to apply the filter. After applying the filters Select the type of statement you wish to observe.

Select the Employee to view details
This falls under three categories
  • Loan
  • Ledger Statement
  • Credit /Debit

Print Feature is available next to the Search button.

Print Feature
Loan has a set of employees who have got Advance Salary / loan in prior which can be deducted from their monthly salary.
Ledger Statement
Statement has a list of employees whose salary / loan is yet to be paid.
Credit / Debit
Enable / Disable the option to include this as one of the columns in the statement

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Container Deposit " to have a better understanding


Settings has 3 Sub Segments

  • Timeslots
  • Annuity
  • Employees
Time Slots

This segment exhibits the list of employees and their respective time slots.

Default time slots will be the same as company in and out time.

Time Slots

New Slot can be added doing the following

Step 1
Go to TimeSlot → New Time
Create New Time Slots in Bridge LCS Freight software
Step 2
Select the list of Employees from the dropdown available
list of Employees from the dropdown
Step 3
Modify the in and out time as per the working hours of the employees.
Modify the in and out time
Step 4
Click Save to Proceed.

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Time Slot " to have a better understanding


Annuity Section furnishes to create Annuity according to the nationality of the Employee or the region where employee belongs to . The Annuity created here will automatically be fetched while creating the basic salary provided the annuity field should be activated.

Modify the in and out time

Steps to Create Annuity

Step 1
Go to Payroll → Settings → Annuity.
Step 2
Select New Settings
Modify the in and out time
Step 3
Choose the Nationality (Country) *.
Step 4
Fill in the Annuity of the Company and Employee according to the region selected.
Step 5
Click on SAVE once the data are filled.
Modify the in and out time
Actions Performed
  • Edit
  • Delete - (Deleted data cannot be retrieved in the future).
  • Export - As Dropdown has Copy, Print, Download as CSV and Excel.

Employee has 3 Sub Segments in the module

  • User
  • Employee
  • Revenue

Official Holidays

Admin can add official holidays into the calendar.

Admin can add official holidays in calendar

New official Holiday can be added doing the following

Step 1
Go to Official Holiday --> New Holiday
Step 2
Select the date from which you need to mark as Official holiday.
Step 3
Select the date upto which you need to mark as an official holiday.
Step 4
Mark the description to be displayed in the calendar.
Add New official Holidays
Filter Options AvailableFilter Options Available
Feature to Switch days: (left Corner)
" Today" is the default option displayed which can be switched with other days using " < " and ">".
Periodic Filters
Month / week / day is provided at the right corner which can be chosen to view the data accordingly.
Advanced Features

Table Refresh is available in front of Export As . This refreshes the data available in the table and not the whole page.

Search (applicable only to the data present in the table)

Sort (works ascendingly and alphabetically for numeric and non numeric data respectively).