Dashboard Customer Supplier Sales Stages Operation Report Transportation Status Payroll Finance Inter Company Container Deposit Stock Masters Settings Overview Helpers
Bridge LCS Freight Forwarding Software Logo



  • New customer --> Ctrl + Alt+ C
  • Customer List --> Ctrl +Shift + C
  • New Quotation --> Ctrl + Alt+ Q
  • Quotation List --> Ctrl + Shift + Q
  • New Job --> Ctrl + Alt+ J
Payment Voucher
  • New Voucher --> Ctrl + Alt+ P
  • New HAWB --> Ctrl + Alt+ H

App Drawer

  • App Drawer indicated by four dots, provides you a list of options concerning Undone Tasks / Pending Tasks
  • It encompass Tasks , Memo, Learning Document accompanied by the following aspects
Pending Invoice
It furnishes you with the log of invoices,cost sheets in pending state.
Invoice Approval
It furnishes you the invoices to be approved.
Pre Invoices
It switches to the page where you will find a list of Preliminary Invoices
OS Invoices
It Brings to your notice about the Unpaid Final Invoices and Unpaid Supplier Invoices.
Overdue Invoices
It makes you aware about the Unpaid Final Invoices
Invoice Dispatches
It delivers you a list of Invoices in Transit and Yet to dispatch.
Voucher Approvals
Vouchers which are yet to Approved are listed here.
Airport / Airlines
This option redirects you the respective page where you can create / View Code of Airport / Airlines
Seaport allows you to view / create the following details
  • Point code
  • Point Name
  • Port Code
  • Port Name
  • Country Code
  • Country
Bridge LCS Freight Forwarding System Software Dashboard App Drawer - Helper

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " App Drawer " to have a better understanding

Notification Bar

Notification bar available next to the Action Bar notifies you of the changes / Modifications done in your account with the respective user information .

Notification bar helps you to track the user behaviour precisely.

Bridge LCS Freight Forwarding Software Notification Bar

Floating Bar

  • Start Off Floating Bar by clicking on the arrow facing outside .
  • It can be accessed from every module of BridgeLCS. This is not only limited to Dashboard Page.
  • Floating bar also has an option called New tab on each feature to open the same in a new tab which helps you to access the feature in a better and convenient way.
  • Bridge LCS Cloud Based Logistics Software Floating Bar
  • Floating bar provides you multiple features as follows,
    • Reminder - to notify the meetings / tasks scheduled
    • Bridge LCS Ocean Freight Software Reminder
    • Task - to assign a task for yourself / for your team member and the notification for the same will get reflected in the reminder section .

      Task can be created in the following method

      Step 1
      Go to Task -> New Task. A new popup window will open.
      Step 2
      Once the window is opened, you can see 7 different columns to be filled. The Columns are as follows,
      • Employee
      • Title
      • Tags
      • Priority
      • Due Date
      • Due Time
      • Description
      Step 3
      Do fill the mandatory details indicated by a red asterisk to complete the task creation.
      • Primary User can view the list of tasks created by the Secondary Users.
      • An Email Notification will be received by the secondary user if the primary user assigns a task for them .
      • A 3 day prior notification will be sent through an email in respect to the task created
      • User will receive an email once the task completes / expires.
      How to set reminder in Cloud Based Freight Forwarding Software
    • Document - to hoard a document and to set a reminder if any work is to be done on the document further.
      • Notification on Document Creation will be received by both the primary user and the user who has created the document.
      • Reminder Notification will be sent based on the Reminder Set.
      • Document Expiry will be intimated to the respective user along with the Primary User through Email .
      • Attributes to be Entered to complete the document creation are,
        Reference (*)
        indicates on which section / part the document has to be created.
        Party (*)
        respective customer / supplier / Job based on the reference selected.
        Title (*)
        Validity From Date and To Date (*)
        Validity of the document
        {Make Sure to Set this to get a reminder }
        Upload the required files.
        Optional field wherein you can capture the details related to the document if required.
      Add description  to set reminder in Bridge LCS Customs Clearance Software
    • Learning Center - can be referred to know about the fields and its workflow respective to the page that you are present in.
      Bridge LCS Logistics Software Learning Center
    • What's New : Be updated about the features Launched / Introduced.
    • Settings : Make the appearance of your account presentable each day with the customization feature
      Theam Customize in Bridge LCS Cloud Based Logistics Software
    • Feedback : raise tickets, suggestions and start a conversation with Bridge LCS Team .
      Feedback with Bridge LCS Team

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Floating Bar (part-1) " to have a better understanding

The Video inserted below explains you the working of " Floating Bar (part-2) " to have a better understanding